Junior Deacon Program
The Crossroad Junior Deacon Program was designed to help train and build up young male leaders who are within the church. A deacon is a helper, one of strong faith, and one of good standard. His goal and mission is to not only be an example but to serve his church and most of all serve God with his hard work and dedication.
If you are interested in this program, please feel free to reach out to Pastor Cade or Brother Holmes (Deacon).

Crimson Career Closet
Crossroad Career Closet is a program here to serve and prep you for any professional events that you must attend. Not only is it available to the college students and young adults in this ministry, but to anyone in the community that is in need. If an appointment is needed, please contact Charlotte Cade at 205-523-1123.

Success Stories
Patrons that have utilized the Crossroad Career Closet go into the world feeling prepared and professional!
Crossroad Praise Dancers